“All businesses operate within their own networks of vendors, partners, clients, competitors, and other entities — the favored term these days is to talk of their “ecosystems.” Wouldn’t that be a valuable space to map?” – , Harvard Business Review

GapMapping™ provides a visualization of the shared purpose, trust, and flow of information throughout an organization’s ecosystem. The map and related outputs allow an organization to see where relationships are strongest and weakest, thus sensing where the most value is being created — and where there is room for improvement.

Potential Applications

GapMapping™ can be used to enhance your understanding of how and where value is being created, along with identifying areas with under-tapped potential. It is an opportunity for:

  • Exploring or benchmarking culture within your organization
  • Assessing employee, partner, and customer engagement
  • Improving communications and community
  • Preparing for or evaluating mergers and acquisitions
  • Learning where to build on current momentum
  • Track initiatives that impact purpose, trust, and flow over time

“In a world where commerce flows on networks, and business people increasingly devise strategies with an eye to their broader ecosystems, the rise of commercial graphs will be rapid. We need them to create the layer of intelligence for more efficient market interactions and healthy business relationships.” – Harvard Business Review, 

Contact us to request the white paper Introduction to GapMapping™ Ecosystem Mapping for the Enterprise: Purpose, Trust, and Flow.