Transparency, Openness, & Trust
If you imagine a company as a house, envision the typical departments occupying various rooms throughout the house. Perhaps human resources is in the foyer, operations in the basement, product development in the kitchen, and so forth. In this analogy, the traditional role of marketing has been to create a winsome awning and a fine […]
Relational Business Design
“An organization’s fitness—like that of an organism—cannot be assessed in a vacuum; it is a product of compatibility with the surrounding environment.” — General Stanley McChrystal With the present-day cynicism towards large institutions, we have lost our sense of their potential. The complex states of government, academia, corporations, networks, and multinational nonprofits are an evolutionary […]
Building Trust
“When a living system is suffering from ill health, the remedy is found by connecting with more of itself.” –– Francisco Varela Recently we’ve been exposed to a barometer on trust, a report on trust, global conversations about trust, and a meme arising across the spectrum of institutions. Leaders are seeking answers to the questions, […]